About Us

We are a church in the heart of Bend, Oregon, following the way of Jesus together.
We live to see God’s Kingdom come here in Bend as it is in Heaven.  Everything we do is shaped by who we believe God is, and who He says we are: A Family of Missionary Disciples.


Jesus prayed for his followers, “that they may be one as we are one” John 17v11.  He made it clear:
Church is family.  For us, that means we are a loyal, living network of people united by our shared love for Jesus. That also means we eat together. We do life together – in organized ways, like at a Sunday gathering; but also in organic ways, like a hike to Tumalo Falls.

Also, family is open and authentic with one another.  So, that’s who we want to become.  Family happens in everything we do, but especially in Riverbend Communities.


Jesus said to his followers, “as the Father has sent me, I am sending you” John 20v20. 
We believe we are sent into the city to incarnate the Gospel for the renewal of Bend. 
Our neighborhood, our schools, and our workplaces should be a different place because of our presence in it.  Not because of us, but because the power of Jesus is moving through us. 

Jesus’ Kingdom vision is so compelling, we look for opportunities all around us to join God
in putting the world back into the shape he intended.


Throughout the Gospels, Jesus invites people to “follow” him.  Jesus died and rose for our sins.
He also showed us the only way to live.  We believe discipleship to Jesus is like apprenticing after a master electrician.  Over time, through the power of the Holy Spirit, and lots of practice,
we are reformed into the sort of people who are like Jesus. 

We aim to live as apprentices of Jesus – reshaping our lives around the goals of a disciple: to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did.